What is Thriving Health?
Happy New Year! 2018 has begun and I am so excited to begin a fresh season...which happens to include starting this blog! My mission is to bring refreshing and sound education on health which will provide a catalyst to the restoration of your health and our community as a whole.
Today, January 8th marks the one year anniversary of my nutritional therapy business, Thriving Health. I have been honored to work with small groups and individual clients to equip them to experience lasting health changes. Instead of simply evaluating what they need and sending them on their way with recommendations, I share with them what functional health looks like, and challenge them in ways to work towards it, so that they can thrive.
After all, what does it take to have thriving health? At first, the two words sound attractive and desirable when placed side by side. But how does one begin such a pursuit? Allow me to take the time to clarify.
By definition, thriving means to flourish. To prosper. To grow or develop vigorously. When we think of a flower's health, if given the proper elements and nourishment, it will thrive. It will grow according to it's design. We, as humans, are designed to grow the same way. If we adulterate our foods or environment, our potential for our height of health is compromised.
What about the health part? This is where it gets more complex. As a Christian, I believe that Biblical truths point to the fact that we are made body, soul, and spirit. As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I have found time and time again that scientific research supports this. Thus, we have physical health, mental health, and spiritual health. As a nutritionist, I tend to talk more about the physical health with my clients. However, I have found it imperative that we understand that all dimensions of health impact one another....quite profoundly. Holistically, health is to be sound, whole, unbroken, undecayed.
To be healthy, and to have thriving health, is quite the standard then. Considering our present crisis of industrialized foods, disease, and even the effects of natural aging, it kind of sounds impossible. However, to forsake pursuing health, to give into decay, is like the gardener who neglects to care for his flowers because of the haunting knowledge that they are destined to wither and one day, not thrive.
Thus, I want to encourage you [inspire you with courage] to not forsake thriving health. May this blog be a resource to you in that way!
Are you ready?