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New Beginnings

Writer's picture: Maria Boyuk FNTPMaria Boyuk FNTP

This season of being newly married has brought many exciting and blessed changes. Our most recent, which I want to share with you today, is becoming homeowners and residents of the town of Almond. This has been the fulfillment of our plans, answer to our prayer, and a true dream come true!

First, let’s back up to March of this year. Pavel and I were planning to house sit for friends in Howard, NY. Well, technically “yurt sit” as they built the unique Mongolian style yurt on their homestead. The plan was to take care of the yurt and property for one year while they were traveling for work. We were so excited for this cozy oasis, tucked into the hills of Howard. It was the perfect way to start off married life and save up money for a house. However, as the Corona virus developed and shut downs began, our friends reconsidered their plans. They told us sadly their need to stay after all. Pavel and I were disappointed, but I am thankful our response was full of hope. We have experienced time and time again the truth that God works all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. [1] We prayed and trusted, full of anticipation to see what God would do. A few weeks later our friends contacted us that they decided to continue with their plans and the opportunity opened back up for us to stay at the yurt! This time, we would only be needed for about 6 months until they returned in the fall.

Settled into the yurt and married for a month, Pavel and I began the adventure of looking for options in the area to purchase. Our goal was to find something by late summer and close by mid-fall when our friends returned. We wrote a list of the things that were really important to us for a first-time home: back yard for gardening and kids to play, two bathrooms, a nice size kitchen for all my cooking, a small garage for Pavel to do tinkering and car maintenance, and a space to transform into an office for Thriving Health consultations. Our ideal location was the Almond area--close to the highway for Pavel’s Corning commute to work and close to Alfred for my nutrition business and our church family at Lighthouse. Provision came...and at the right price! We have not only been blessed with the above desires, but even more treasures in a beautiful house and property to grow our family and my business.

The timing of the move came down to the wire, but everything worked out! We were able to move in last weekend on a pre-possession agreement. Today, Monday, November 9th, Pavel and I will sign the papers to make this property officially ours. We are honored to own this home and join the community of Almond, NY.

Life is precious and always unfolding. Our “yurt season” was an incredible gift which I cherished every day. Now we begin our life in Almond, full of anticipation for the life, friendships, challenges and growth ahead.




Thriving Health Nutritional Therapy of Alfred, NY

Maria Boyuk, FNTP


 I am not a doctor. The information on this website should not be considered medical advice and is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any conditions, physical or otherwise. Information provided on this website has not been reviewed or approved by any federal, state, or local agency or healthcare group. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not represent any particular individual or professional group. © 2023 Maria Boyuk Thriving Health. All rights reserved.

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