Thriving Health
Success Stories

1-1 Client
Andover, NY
“Maria is a super pleasant person to work with! She's non-judgmental, very helpful, and knowledgeable about feeding our bodies right. I love that she doesn't just tell me what to eat or not to eat, but she also explains why.
Since I started working with Maria, I've felt healthier than I have in years. I don't feel sluggish all the time like I used to; I've cut my junk food cravings almost completely out; and I've lost some weight. She checks in between visits to make sure things are going well and always has a suggestion for healthy recipes and substitutions.
I hope to continue going to see Maria for a while, but even if I don't, I feel the information she's provided so far has put me well on my way to adopting completely natural, healthy eating habits.”